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Brazilian Tropical Fruit Juice

Açaí (Ah-sigh-ee)

Açaí is a small, dark purple fruit that grows on a species of palm tree, predominantly found in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. Revered as a superfood, açaí is celebrated by many for its nutritional profile, including antioxidants, essential fatty acids and fiber.


Cupuaçu (cu-pu-a’-soo)

The fruit is native to the Amazon, with brown skin and fleshy, white pulp. Its flavor is compared to chocolate with notes of tropical fruits such as melon or pineapple.


Caju (kaˈzu)

Cashew is a small fruit, whose pulp is acidic and sweet, and is native to the north and northeast of Brazil. It smells delicious. Cashew is rich in vitamins and minerals.


Goiaba (go’jaba)

Guava can be found in all regions of Brazil, it has soft and fleshy pulp with a wide range of flavors, from sweet to sour. It has a significant amount of vitamin C and a rich source of vitamin A. Furthermore, guava can be considered a “superfood”.


Caja (ka'za)

Cajá is widely cultivated and highly appreciated in Brazil, mainly in the Northeast and in the state of Bahia. It's like a combination of apricot and mango (with a slightly resinous flavor), but with a strong flavor. light acidity, like a soft passion fruit. Cajá is exquisite and has a unique flavor.


Abacaxi com hortelã (pineapple and mint)

A combination of pineapple and mint. Brazil is one of the world's largest pineapple producers. The main Brazilian plantations are concentrated in the Triângulo Mineiro region (Minas Gerias) and in the states of Paraíba and Pará.


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